The first part of the prayer of the Oblation: 'It is meet and right (...)'

The first element of the Holy Oblation is the prayer of the Oblation, which is divided into two segments between which the Triumphal Hymn is sung.

The first segment of the prayer of the Oblation refers to the beginning of the Economy of Salvation: God created humans, but when the latter had fallen away from God, the Creator tried to raise them up again so as to restore their initial relationship with Him. Upon remembering this, the hearts of the faithful are filled with gratitude, which cannot be expressed in equal words or actions and thus becomes an extremely eloquent hymn, not any hymn, but the hymn of the Angels: 'Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Sabaoth (...)'

20 from Αθωνική Ψηφιακή Κιβωτός on Vimeo.

Last modified: Wednesday, 7 October 2020, 9:42 PM